THE breed image
Many of us have dreamed of an extraordinary pet that will not only become a wonderful friend and companion, but will also be easy to care for and maintain. For all this, a noble and beautiful Bengal  cat is perfect. These extraordinary beauties are distinguished by their large size, unusual appearance, reminiscent of wild felines, as well as friendliness, calm character, intelligence, love and devotion to the owner. Maine Coon kittens instantly adapt in the house, grow comfortably without spoiling the furniture and interior, which noticeably distinguishes them from other breeds.

Bengal cat is a very friendly and peaceful cat. He loves to spend time in the arms of the owner. Even despite its large size, this affectionate baby curls up in a ball on his knees, and quietly purrs until he falls asleep. At the same time, it is a pleasure to iron it - the long and silky wool easily slides between the fingers, calming the owner and relieving stress. What is noteworthy, the Bengal cat's wool does not get lost, it is easy to care for it with the help of a regular puff.
Features of the breed
If you want to buy a Bengal kitten, then you will surely make the right choice. Unlike representatives of many decorative breeds, the Bengal cat has a unique character, as well as a number of other features, including: Sufficiently large sizes - Bengal cats tend to be medium to large in size. They might weigh between 8-15 pounds or more and range in height anywhere from about 13-16 inches tall. Of course, these are generalisations and any individual Bengal cat could be different
A noble character that does not allow cats to be mischievous and to put things in order in the house. Therefore, if you decide to start representative of this breed - rest assured that your furniture, curtains and interior items will remain intact.
Devotion to the owner and excellent interaction with other animals allows you to acquire a furry without the risk of conflict. Bengal kittens get along well with other cats and even with dogs, are indifferent to hamsters and other small pets.

They are not afraid of water and walk well on a leash. This is perhaps one of the unique features that makes the Bengal a comfortable and convenient pet for every home.
Silence - Bengal cat is an absolutely quiet breed. They do not scream or meow, and are also calm and balanced.
Interesting habits that are not typical of cats - due to their high level of intelligence, they easily memorize commands, and also stand out for the consistency and consistency of their actions.
But it is important to remember that all of the above characteristics are characteristic only of purebred representatives of the breed. It is they who carry the so-called breed temperament, passed down from generation to generation.

How to choose a Bengal   kitten
Choosing a pet is a rather complicated process that requires knowledge of some rules:
First you need to decide on the color - red, brown or any other - only you decide how your little fluffy will look like.
Keeping conditions - a properly grown kitten will have a bright color, shiny coat and a high activity rate.
You can buy a real thoroughbred Bengal kitten only from reliable breeders.
As for the choice of the place of purchase, first of all you need to focus on those sellers who offer real breed representatives. Remember that by saving a significant amount on the purchase, you will surely get a "pig in a poke". Therefore, if you want a real Bengal cat, you can buy it from us. We offer real representatives of this noble breed, professionally raised in the right conditions. Thanks to us, you will get a great pet that will delight you every day. And do not forget, the life expectancy of these cats reaches 20 years, so your pet will surely keep you friendly company for more than a dozen years.